Keep Your Engine Cool and Your Systems Flowing at Hi Tech Auto Care Sac

Sacramento's scorching summers and bustling streets demand a lot from your car. Keeping your engine cool and your hydraulic systems flowing smoothly is crucial for optimal performance and longevity. At Hi Tech Auto Care Sac, we offer expert coolant and hydraulic fluid maintenance, ensuring your vehicle operates at its peak without overheating or sluggishness.

Beyond the Drain and Refill:

Our coolant and hydraulic fluid maintenance services go beyond the simple drain and refill. We offer:

Coolant Service:

  • Complete flush: We remove all old coolant and contaminants, preventing corrosion and ensuring optimal cooling efficiency.

  • Quality coolant: We use high-quality, long-lasting coolant that meets or exceeds manufacturer specifications.

  • System inspection: We inspect hoses, clamps, and other vital components for leaks or damage.

  • Thermostat check: We verify the thermostat's functionality to ensure proper engine temperature regulation.

Hydraulic Fluid Service:

  • Precise fluid selection: We use the correct hydraulic fluid based on your vehicle's specific requirements.

  • Complete system flush: We remove old fluid and contaminants to prevent wear and tear on hydraulic components.

  • Filter replacement: We replace worn filters to ensure clean and efficient fluid flow.

  • System inspection: We inspect hoses, lines, and seals for leaks or damage.

The Hi Tech Auto Care Sac Advantage:

  • Advanced technology: We utilize sophisticated diagnostic tools to detect potential issues in coolant and hydraulic systems.

  • Preventative approach: Regular maintenance prevents overheating, system malfunctions, and costly repairs down the road.

  • Improved performance: Proper fluid levels and condition translate to smoother operation, enhanced fuel economy, and extended component life.

  • Transparent communication: We explain our findings and recommendations clearly, empowering you to make informed decisions.

Invest in Your Car's Wellbeing:

Neglecting coolant and hydraulic fluid maintenance can lead to severe engine damage and system failures. Regular service at Hi Tech Auto Care Sac ensures your car operates at its best, saving you money and frustration in the long run.

Schedule your appointment today and experience the Hi Tech Auto Care Sac difference!